Merino wool won’t add to microplastics pollution

2017, October 06


Microplastics, including microbeads and microfibers, are being washed into our waterways, polluting our oceans on a growing scale. Being 100% biodegradable, wool offers a better longterm solution without an impact on the Environment.

The problem

8 million tons of plastic enter our oceans every year in the form of bags, fishing nets and plastic containers which can take 1000’s of years before they break down. A large amount of this waste is hidden from view, known as microplastics.

Another, less known form of microplastics are microfibres. A recent study funded by outdoor clothing manufacturer Patagonia found out that a single synthetic fleece garment can shed up to 250,000 microfibres during laundering. These plastic fibres are being found in our oceans, along coastal regions and inside the stomachs of marine life. Perhaps what is even more concerning is the fibres ability to absorb toxic pollutants, which concentrate within the tissue of the fish we are consuming and suspended in the water we are drinking. National Geographic have even reported finding microplastics in honey and beer!

The good news

Wool is 100% biodegradable, meaning that wool will break down to its natural base elements and therefore not pollute the oceans and waterways. Consumers are increasingly concerned with what their products are made from and how it affects their environment. Natural materials like wool are favoured not only for its many attributes like softness, warmth and moisture control but is now being recognised for its renewable and biodegradable benefits.

How can we help?

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