Silvania Worsted Spinning

Did you know that most wool garments in the world contain one of our yarns?

Südwolle Group is a pioneer in the production and development of wool yarns. Its production site Silvania Worsted Spinning (SWS), located in Simleu Silvaniei, is the most modern worsted yarn spinning plant in Romania.

SWS became part of the Südwolle Group family in 2010. Since then, with over 350 employees, we have become one of the most important employers in the region.

With our professional employees we constantly try to improve and to reinvent our production process.

The entire production from Romania is intended for export. We produce 100% wool yarns and blends with other fibers such as polyamide, polyester silk and cashmere.

Join SWS, develop your skills and help us to produce yearly over 3 million kilograms of wool yarns!

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Südwolle Group

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Are you interested in working for us? Then please check our career page or send us your CV! We will be happy to meet you!
Contact: Anca Rosan,, 0260678529


Robert Kaminszky

General Manager

Miguel Sa

Production Manager

Anca Rosan

HR Manager

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