Fashion is everywhere

2017, October 06

Upcycling project with University Berlin

Look and handfeel are two of the most important factors in the world of fashion. They are also attributed to the need for the production of numerous fabric swatches. But once the yarn or garment is produced, the samples are no longer needed and usually discarded. That is why LPJ Studios and our collection Biella Yarn cooperated with University Berlin in an upcycling project.

LPJ Studios’ idea was to collect those designs, refine them by further processing and making fresh, fashionable garments. Biella Yarn became the ideal yarn brand with a broad range of swatches to reuse and upcycle.

This idea prompted the cooperation between LPJ Studios and the technical economical University Berlin: Students from 3rd semester under the leadership of Professor Grit Seymour and Hedwig Bouley created new clothing and accessories from samples and yarns provided by Biella Yarn – producing garments with history. The most promising designs were acknowledged by a jury. The winner of the Biella Yarn prize was invited to Italy to get an insight in the production process and a look behind the scenes of how yarn is made.

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